Introduction to Microsoft Excel (term 4) – Semester 2


Description: This course will provide an understanding of how to use the primary features of Excel starting from scratch. Creating worksheets, adding, manipulating and formatting data, using common functions, creating formulas, creating and formatting charts will all be covered. If time permits, more advanced topics such as using pivot tables and lookups will be covered. No prior experience with Excel is required, however participants need to be comfortable with using a laptop, keyboard and mouse, and be familiar with the basic features of Microsoft Windows, such as using File Explorer. Requirements: Laptop and mouse, Power supply (must be tested and tagged), Notebook and pen or electronic means of making notes.
Tutor: Mike Barlow
Duration: 8 weeks (term 4)
Start Date: 8th October 2024
Day & Time: Tuesday 12.45 – 2.45 PM

2024 enrolments are now closed. 
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Crèche: The crèche is not available for this session.

Mike Barlow