The Georgians (term 2) – Semester 1


Description: The course covers a period of British History from 1714 to 1837, named after the 4 Hanoverian Kings all named George. In addition to the decadent Regency period, a time when George 111 was incapacitated (“The Madness of King George”). The course studies the social impact of the Industrial Revolution, the building of an empire & the evils of the slave trade together with the American War of Independence. (see Further Details for more information about the Georgian period.)

Tutor: Elton Brown
Duration: 8 weeks (term 2)
Start Date: 2nd May 2025
Day & time: Friday 9.45 – 11.15 am

Semester one enrolments are now closed.
We cannot accept any late enrolments during our Administration Week (11th - 14th Feb) and will only accept in-person late enrolments in the first two weeks of the semester from new members or returning members with extenuating circumstances. A $10 administration fee will be applied. From week three we will accept in-person late enrolments for courses with vacancies but full course fees will be applied.
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The transition to the reign of Victoria was characterized in religion, social values, and the arts by a shift in tone away from rationalism and toward romanticism and mysticism.

Georgian society and its preoccupations were well portrayed in the novels of the great writers such as Jane Austen, & the grand architecture of Nash & Robert Adams & Capability Brown‘s landscapes. The flowering of the arts was most vividly shown in the work of the Romantic Poets such as Byron.

The paintings of Gainsborough, Constable & Joshua Reynolds illustrated the changing world of the Georgian period.

Elton Brown