Basic Breadmaking (term 4)- Semester 2


Description: Exploring the basics of breadmaking and creating loaves, rolls (plaits, knots and plain), scrolls and experiments! This is a hands-on class; you will be able to impress and delight your family with the delicious bread you have baked each week.
Requirements: Bowl, baking tins etc. It is important that you check Further Details for a complete list of requirements. Weekly Cost: Students will be given a list of ingredients for each session following the initial introductory session where ingredients will be provided free of charge.
Tutor: Kay Aram
Duration: 8 weeks (term 4)
Start Date: 10th October 2024
Day & time: Thursday 12.30 – 2.45pm

2024 enrolments are now closed. 

Out of stock

SKU: KCLC0122-1 Categories: ,


Further Details:
Requirements: Apron, tea towel, clingwrap/foil, baking parchment, small bread tin or loaf tin, a mixing bowl approximately 24cm circumference x 10cm deep (9 inches x 4 inches), and a medium-size baking tray. For a full list of requirements please click on the link: Basic Breadmaking Requirements

Work Health and Safety: Before participating in your first session you will need to read and acknowledge the ourse specific Work Health and Safety document. This can be read via the links below and signed in class:Kitchen Safety

Crèche: The crèche is not be available for this session.

Introducing the tutor: I’ve been making bread by hand for about 49 years and over that time I’ve refined the process time and time again.  I’ve always been open to experimenting and incorporating new ideas and methods, the most recent being kneading with no added flour which is an amazing game changer!  I love passing on my knowledge and skills and then seeing people start out on their own bread journeys.  Making bread is good for the soul … and it tastes and smells amazing.  You’ll never want to buy “shop bread” ever again!