General Pottery Continuing: Wednesday Evening – Semester 2


Description: This is a continuation of the Wednesday evening General Pottery course which was offered in semester one and priority will be given to those who participated in that course: new students might be able to enrol after the 17th of July if there are positions available and they are not beginners. The course will continue building on the techniques covered in semester one. (No casuals)
Requirements: Safety glasses and mask. Enclosed shoes to be worn. An apron is also recommended. See Further Details for Health and Safety requirements.
Tutors: Kristine Nunn and Wendy Whearem
Duration: 16 weeks
Start Date: 31st July 2024
Day & Time: Wednesday 7.00 – 9.30 pm

2024 enrolments are now closed. 

Out of stock

SKU: KCLC0057-2-2-2 Categories: , ,


The fee includes a $20 levy for the use of the Centre resources. There will be a small additional fee for firing.

Work Health and Safety: Before participating in your first session you will need to read and acknowledge the general and course specific Work Health and Safety documents. These can be read via the links below and signed in class:
Health & Safety induction – Version 3 Jan 2024
WHS induction – Pottery 2024

Crèce: The crèche is not available for this session.

Introducing the tutor, Kris Nunn: It all started in 1969 when we migrated to Australia. I enrolled at Bentley TAFE to do a Pottery hobby class. I was immediately hooked and in no time was building myself a kiln out of house bricks and a home-made oil drip burner. Almost burnt the house down, but I did get the kiln up to almost 900 degrees. Being impoverished, I would sift the ash from the fireplace and dig granite dust from the quarry up at Maddington plus a few extras to make glazes amazing what you can do when you have to!

I next took a three year pottery course at Forrestfield TAFE and later, another three year course at Midland TAFE. During this time, my husband built me a small studio which had to be tripled in size within the year. A friend made me an amazing pottery wheel, which I wish I never sold and my father when he died left me enough money to buy myself a new electric kiln.
After 30 years, I had run out of new ideas and I had several grandchildren needing my attention, so I stopped! I had no regrets. I’d had a wonderful time. However the Learning Centre needed a teacher so every Thursday I would keep my hand in, enjoying sharing my experiences. Several years later, here, I am back again, as enthusiastic as ever, especially now with Pinterest to give me so many more new ideas. Added to that, the best thing of all is to have so many lovely people to spend time with at the Learning Centre.

Introducing the tutor, Wendy Whearem: I started doing pottery about 40 years ago, and have had many other interests over the years. I have always enjoyed drawing and painting. I have done several courses, at private studios, TAFE and Community Centres. Plants and gardens are another passion of mine.
I started coming to the Learning centre about 16 years ago. I have done painting, drawing, silk painting courses here, and have enjoyed them all.
I decided to try the pottery group 12 years ago. I had my creative juices stirred again, had a very good tutor who always had a new project to try, and I really enjoy the hand building side of it.
Now as a tutor myself, it is very rewarding to see people learn new things and to see how pleased they are with their achievements.

Wendy and Kris
A display of the wonderful pottery projects from the three pottery classes, semester 1 2023