Kalamunda Community Learning Centre
learning through sharing

Telephone: 08 9293 2977
Email: centre_talk@kclc.org.au

Centre Talk

14 April 2024

Dates for your diary
Monday 15 April - Term 2 commences
Thursday 25 April - Public Holiday
Friday 10 May - The Centre Presents Special Talk
Friday 24 May - Centre Lunch
Monday 3 June - Public Holiday
Friday 7 June - Annual General Meeting
Friday 14 June - Last Day of Term 2

Back to the Centre...

So good that Term 2 is about to start and we can get back to our favourite pursuits. We're looking forward to another "The Centre Presents" Special Talk in May as well as another delicious Centre Lunch where we can catch up with old friends and make some new ones too.

Thanks to those who have sent in Class News items. We have enough now for Semester 1 and beyond. Please hold onto further items and send in during Semester 2.
Val, Editor

From the Executive...

I do hope you have all had a great break. I know I have, though the first week with Easter in it was a bit hectic. I am longing to get back to the organised chaos of KCLC.

The Executive had a long meeting during the break to discuss the various roles that are becoming vacant at the AGM and we decided to split up a couple of the jobs so they are not too cumbersome and frighten people off from applying for them. The tasks include Programmer (which has been done seemingly without effort by Margaret); Secretary; an Assistant Coordinator; or a Work Group Leader. Please feel free to come to the office to discuss these jobs with us. You might think they involve a lot of work, but with the help of us regulars, everything can be streamlined.

These jobs are vital to the running of KCLC and if we do not get volunteers, we might have to employ someone to do them for us which will put up the fees considerably.

Only two weeks to go before the exciting event that you have all been waiting for and that is Fire Drills. Yes, they are on again, and again there will be a competition to see which session is the fastest and if I remember, there will be small (very small) prizes. We will be coming around to the classes informing you of the correct way to go about a Fire Drill, though I suspect most of you know what to do and will be able to help those that don't.

Your Coordinators, Bridget with Annie and Anne-Marie

General Meeting minutes...

The minutes from the General Meeting held on Friday 22 March 2024, can be found by clicking here. Thank you to all those who attended. The next meeting will be the AGM on Friday 7 June, so please mark the date in your diaries now and more information will be made available soon.
This is very successful and we are nearly at the $400 mark. Many thanks to the people who have volunteered to take the bottles to the depots as it can be quite a heavy job and much appreciated. We could have them picked up by couriers but we only get about 7c per container rather than 10c.

Term 2 Course Enrolments...

As advised in the previous Centre Talk, we have several places available for continuing courses at a reduced rate. If you wish to enrol in any of these courses, please do so before the course recommences this week as it is best for the tutor and class that all new members start at the same time. As online enrolments are now closed, please enrol via the Reception Desk.

Bronwyn, Assistant Registrar
Join us for 'My Mongolian Adventures' presented by Joan Rosen on Friday 10 May, as part of The Centre Presents Speaker Series.

Join KCLC member, Joan Rosen, as she shares her experiences of Mongolia where in 2006, she spent five months in Darkhan teaching pupils, aged 7 to 70 years, English and Music.

Joan has donated much needed items to the children there and in 2018, she returned to Ulaanbaatar for two weeks assisting in a Christian school and providing health assistance to her adopted Mongolian daughter.
Joan will take you on a special journey through her insights into the Mongolian way of life.

Members and non members are welcome to attend this event.

Cost: $5 (including afternoon tea) to be paid at Kalamunda Community Learning Centre reception to confirm attendance.
Booking deadline: Wednesday 8 May unless booked out prior.
Venue: Kalamunda Community Centre Hall.

Class News...

In Sickness and in Health: How the Body Works

We are a reasonable sized group who all want to learn about how our body works and the professionally crafted presentations are teaching us exactly that. We started with the pulmonary, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems and are now moving on to other systems of the body. At the Learning Centre, we are fortunate to have Dr. Susan Caddy generously giving her time to educate us.



Lots of laughter, singing and encouragement accompanies ukulele playing on Friday mornings. During each session, everyone has the opportunity to choose a song from the book that we then play and sing together.


Promoting the Centre...

Thank you to Margaret (Programmer) and Anne-Marie (Coordinator) who represented Kalamunda Community Learning Centre at the City of Kalamunda's recent Connecting Communities event. They 'met and greeted' lots of friendly faces to tell them all about the Centre, the courses we run and to encourage new members to join.
Anne-Marie was even interviewed on KCR FM spreading the word far and wide!

The interview was part of an outdoor broadcast at the event which will be replayed on Wednesday 17 April from 10am, so listen in to 102.5FM!
A big thank you to the City of Kalamunda for providing funding as part of their Community Development Grant, to enable us to purchase the pull-up banners you see pictured. The funding also included two teardrop banners that you will also see around the Centre.

Hills Symphony Orchestra...

After a sold out opening outdoor concert at the Perth Observatory last month, the Hills Symphony Orchestra wants another chance to take you...

TO SPACE & BEYOND! A musical journey through the Galaxy
Your space favourites and some classical too. You have to guess the connection.

Sunday 21st April at 2.30pm
Midland Town Hall

Tickets $20 ($5 children) by clicking here.
Or for frustrated off-liners, you can ring 08 9293 4313 and tickets can be held.


Two elderly women were eating breakfast in a restaurant one morning. Ethel noticed something funny about Mabel's ear and she said, "Mabel, do you know you've got a suppository in your left ear?"

Mabel answered, "I have a suppository in my ear?" She pulled it out and stared at it. Then she said, "Ethel, I'm glad you saw this thing. Now I think I know where to find my hearing aid."


  1. If 2 bags can hold 6 books, how many bags are needed to carry 51 books?
  2. Lindy is baking cakes for a fundraiser. Each cake requires 600 grams of flour. A bag of flour holds 1 kg. How many bags of flour must Lindy buy to have enough for five cakes?
Send your answers to:

Everyone who submits correct answers during the Semester will go into a draw for the Mystery Prize.

Answers to the last Quiz:
1. Ordinary 2. Imprison 3. Necessity 4. Hazarded 5. Facsimile

The winners were:
Beverley S., Carole B., Janelle McG., John B., Lee C., Cherie R., Robyn M., Ann O'M., Bruce R., Mal B.
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