Songs With Bubs (term 1)- Semester 1


Description: Do you wonder what songs to sing to your baby, or how to jam along with your toddler? We all know how a song can change a mood, flick a switch, make a tedious situation playful. The enormous benefits of singing and playing together, and early musical learning, are well known. In this class, you’ll learn new songs and rediscover old ones to help you fill your homes with music. Immerse yourself and your littlies in music in a joyful, inclusive and fun environment. The course fee is for the family (adult/s and children). Please see Further Details for more information and fill in the attached form.
Tutors: Jo Randell and Jess Theunissen
Duration: 6 weeks
Start Date: 17th February
Day & time: Monday 10 – 11 am

2024 enrolments are now closed.
The 2025 course details may be subject to change before enrolments open on the 4th February.

10 in stock


Our classes are for children 0-4 years, along with their grownups. We welcome parents, grandparents, nannies etc. Based around a different theme each week, there’ll be jamming with different instruments, singing, musical learning, dancing and movement. No musical ability required, just enthusiastic participation! If you have more than one child please feel free to bring along another adult at no extra cost.

Please fill in and submit this form so we know how many adults and children will be attending from each family (don’t forget to then enrol your family, ie ‘add to cart’): Songs with Bubs Family Registration – Kalamunda Community Learning Centre (

Introducing the tutor, Jo Randell: It was in 1996 or ‘97 that I offered to lead a singing group at KLC. Having enjoyed many KLC courses, I thought I’d like to have a go at leading one. From a rather timid start, Sing Your Heart Out has become an important part of my week – a time for songs and lovely company! Influenced by the Natural Voice movement, I have adopted the belief that anyone can sing and while acknowledging that some people find it difficult, I’m convinced that if you can speak, you can sing.  Apart from the benefits to the individual, I am fascinated by the community-building that comes from simply singing together. This shared experience creates a bond that transcends difference and feels wonderful, open-hearted and hopeful. The simple idea that singing together can lead to better understanding between us is what drives me and I’m thrilled to be in a position to encourage others to sing, for all the benefits that are now so well known.
Jo is also the co-founder of the ‘Madjitil Moorna: Singers of Aborioginal Songs’ choir and has received several awards for her service to the community through music, including the Medal of Australia in 2020.