Centre Talk
** Special Enrolment Edition - Sunday 19 January **
Mon 20, Thu 23 & Thu 30 Jan - Summer in the Centre
Tue 4 to Mon 10 February - Online Enrolments
Tue 4 to Fri 7 February - In-person Enrolments
Monday 17 February - Classes commence
Welcome to Semester One 2025...
Welcome to the first special Enrolment Edition of Centre Talk with all the dates and course information so you can start planning which courses you would like to enrol in for Semester One 2025. We will issue another Enrolment Special closer to enrolment day with more helpful tips to assist you.
Semester One dates...
Term 1, 2025: Monday 17 February – Friday 11 April (8 weeks) Term 2, 2025: Monday 28 April – Friday 20 June (8 weeks)
Semester One courses are now available for viewing online.
Please click here to view the Semester One 2025 Timetable.
Please click here to view the Semester One 2025 Programme.
You can also use the search functions on the Centre's homepage to find the courses that will be on offer in Semester One 2025.
Please remember that course details are subject to change right up until enrolment day.
Enrolment Dates...
Online enrolments open:
9.30am Tuesday 4 February until 5.00pm Monday 10 February.
In-person enrolments available:
Tuesday 4 February to Friday 7 February from 9.30am to 2.00pm at the Kalamunda Community Centre for those needing assistance with the enrolment process. In-person enrolments will NOT be accepted during Admin Week (10 – 14 February).
We strongly encourage members to enrol themselves online, if possible, to avoid congestion and the queue at the Centre on Tuesday morning.
Late enrolments:
Enrolments must be made during the formal enrolment period. In-person enrolments will not be accepted in Admin Week (10 – 14 February) or in the first two weeks of the semester. Late enrolments will be accepted from week three providing there are vacancies, and the tutor accepts late enrolments. Full course fees will be applied. Note: In exceptional circumstances, a late enrolment might be accepted during the first two weeks: these must be approved by the coordinator on duty and will incur a $10 administration fee.
Postal Enrolments:
Postal enrolments are available for those who will be unable to enrol online or in-person during enrolment week. Please note that online enrolments can be made wherever there is an internet connection; we often have members enrolling while overseas on holiday (paying via bank transfer).
Postal enrolments must be received at least four days before enrolments open with payment via cheque or direct deposit. They will be processed by the end of the first day of enrolments. We cannot guarantee a placement in the course. If there are no vacancies in the course, applicants will be informed, and a refund will be arranged. Postal enrolment forms can be downloaded from the website by clicking here.
Casual Enrolments:
Anyone who enrols as a casual class member will pay a course fee of $30. This entitles these members to three casual tickets which can be collected at the Reception Desk once courses commence. Further casual tickets can then be purchased as needed from the Reception Desk throughout the semester.
What’s new in Semester One 2025...
Part of the success of the Kalamunda Community Learning Centre is due to the volunteering commitment of our members. Everyone who enrols as a full-time class member is requested to register for a workgroup.
As our membership has grown over the years, smaller jobs have been created so there is something for everyone to help with. Each small task is essential to the smooth running of the Centre and helps to keep costs down. Workgroups are now OPEN on the website and you can get in early to register your commitment.
If you would like to fulfil your workgroup obligation before classes even start, we would appreciate your assistance during Enrolment or Admin Week (assistance is needed Monday 3 to Wednesday 5 February and Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 February). To assist with morning teas and lunches, please click here. To assist with setting up, directing members and general support, please click here.
There are also several Leadership positions open as listed on our website. If you would like to help with any job in the office, become a Workgroup Leader or a Trainee Leader, please contact Mary by emailing office_manager@kclc.org.au or have a chat to Mary or Annie at the Centre during Enrolment Week.
Summer in the Centre...
Join us for Summer in the Centre running from 9.30am to 12pm on Monday 20, Thursday 23 and Thursday 30 January.
You can bring in your knitting, sewing, craftwork, painting, games, reading or laptop etc., or even just yourself to enjoy the company. We will have air conditioned rooms available for members to use.
Tea and coffee will be provided and the cost is just $5 per person for each session. Booking is not required (please just bring in the exact money in cash as we will have limited change available).
Unfortunately, no crèche facilities will be available for these sessions.