Kalamunda Community Learning Centre
learning through sharing

Telephone: 08 9293 2977
Email: centre_talk@kclc.org.au

Centre Talk

** Special Enrolment Edition - Sunday 2 February **

Dates for your diary
Tue 4 to Mon 10 February - Online Enrolments
Tue 4 to Fri 7 February - In-person Enrolments
Monday 17 February - Classes commence

Welcome to Semester One 2025...

Welcome to the second special Enrolment Edition of Centre Talk with helpful tips to assist you in enrolling in a course at Kalamunda Community Learning Centre in Semester One. If you missed the first Enrolment Edition, you can read it by clicking here.

Enrolments open this Tuesday!

Online enrolments open:

9.30am Tuesday 4 February until 5pm Monday 10 February

In-person enrolments available:

Tuesday 4 February to Friday 7 February from 9.30am to 2pm

Before adding courses to your cart, we advise that you first log in with your Username and Password. You will need to add the Community Membership 2025 to your cart before adding courses. Please note, that this fee is now $20.

If you do not yet have a user account, you will be prompted to create one before you can proceed. The Community Membership will be automatically added to your cart and then you can add your courses of choice. When you get to the checkout you will need to complete your contact details etc.

We have been working desperately to overcome the issues associated with the website stalling when so many members hit it at 9.30 Tuesday morning. We all know though that the best-laid plans of mice and men often go astray, so please follow the Enrolment Tips below if this does occur.

Enrolment Tips...

Due to the popularity of our courses, the website often becomes jammed in the first half an hour of enrolments opening. The hints below might save you some frustration and disappointment.
  • Log in to the website before Tuesday 4 February to ensure your Username and Password are correct.
    1. If you have forgotten your password, select ‘Lost your password?’ and you will be sent an email to reset it.
    2. If you have changed your email account, please advise us of the change via RollsAdmin@kclc.org.au before Tuesday 4 February. This will make the enrolment process for you and us easier as your address needs to be changed in several places.
    3. Check out the course details and requirements. Scroll to the bottom of the course page for ‘Further Details’, links to requirement lists and tutor introductions.
  • If your order stalls and you receive a timed-out message, check the status of your order before creating a new one:
    1. Check the Cart – if the courses are still in the cart, resubmit the order.
    2. Check the order status - If the courses are not in the cart, you can check the status of your order by selecting ‘My Account’ from the top toolbar and then ‘My Orders’ from the sidebar. Your order should be at the top of the list and will indicate either Processing (if you selected cash, cheque or card reader), On Hold (if you chose direct deposit), Completed (if you paid via card) or Pending Payment (if your card payment failed – see point 3 below). All these statuses mean we have received your order. The Processing and On Hold orders will be completed once we have verified payment.
    3. If your order is Pending Payment, select the ‘Pay’ option and you can resubmit it by re-entering your card details or select Card Reader instead and come into the Centre to pay by card before the end of enrolment week (pending payment orders will only be held for 24 hours).
  • Once you have successfully submitted an order you will receive a message on the screen: 'Thank you. Your order has been received' and an email notification. If you do not receive these, your order has not been received. The most common reason for this is a failed card payment. You can pay for the order as described in point 3 above.
  • There are four ‘clicks’ to register for your workgroup (once you're logged in!):
    1. Click ‘Workgroup Sign Up’ on the top toolbar.
    2. Find the workgroup you are interested in. Click 'View Task' and read the description for the workgroup.
    3. Look for a vacancy. Click 'Available'.
    4. Check your details are correct. Click on 'Sign me up!'.
    5. Log out and put the date in your diary or calendar! You will receive a reminder email 7 days before your workgroup date.

Payment Options...

During enrolment week (4 - 7 February), the following payment options will be available:
  • Credit card (online payment) – Australian Visa and Mastercard cards only. This option will also be available until 5pm Monday 10 February.
    NB: Due to tightened internet security measures we can no longer accept card payments from overseas. If you are submitting an order while holidaying overseas, you will need to pay via Direct Deposit (i.e. Bank Transfer).
  • Cash or cheque - These must be paid in person at the Centre by 2pm Friday 7 February.
  • Card Reader – Members must pay with their card at the Centre by 2pm Friday 7 February.
  • Direct Deposit – The bank transfer must be received by 2pm Friday 7 February. Please send an email to registrar@kclc.org.au informing us when this has been arranged so we can verify payment and complete your enrolment.

Timetable and Programme...

Please click here to view the Semester One 2025 Timetable.

Please click here to view the Semester One 2025 Programme.

You can also use the search functions on the Centre's homepage to find the courses that will be on offer in Semester One 2025.

Please remember that course details are subject to change right up until enrolment day.

Checkout Terms and Conditions...

At the enrolment checkout page, you will need to indicate that you have read and accept the Terms and Conditions and read and acknowledge the Health and Safety Requirements. Both of these documents can be viewed at the checkout. You can also click on the links below so you can read them beforehand at your convenience.

Testing and Tagging date change…

All appliances that are plugged in (including laptops and sewing machines for example) at the Centre must be tested and tagged by an electrician.

During the Semester One enrolment week, an electrician will be offering this service at $5 per item. The volunteer electrician will be unavailable on the originally advertised days of Wednesday 5 February and Thursday 6 February. Instead he will be there from 9.30am to 2pm on Tuesday 4 February.
You only need to bring the power cord for your machine /device.

The cost for appliances that are used by tutors to present their courses will be paid by the Learning Centre.

In Memoriam...

Fiona Sutherland

Sadly, one of our valuable team members has passed away suddenly. Fiona Sutherland was our Monday am Assistant Coordinator who warmly greeted our members, with an infectious smile and easy-going nature. She will be missed. Our condolences to her family, friends and classmates.

Funeral details:
Monday 3 February at 10am.
Just Cremations Chapel.
401 Great Eastern Highway, Redcliffe.

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