Kalamunda Community Learning Centre
learning through sharing

Telephone: 08 9293 2977
Email: centre_talk@kclc.org.au

Centre Talk

9 June 2024

Dates for your diary
Friday 14 June - Last Day of Semester One
Tuesday 16 July - Semester Two Enrolments Open
Tuesday 23 July - Enrolments Close
Monday 29 July - Semester Two commences
Get your reading hats on for this edition as there are quite a few class news reports to catch up on so we can squeeze them all in before the end of the Semester. So there's no joke this week, but hopefully instead you will enjoy some of the interesting words discovered by the Cryptic Crossword crew.

Don't forget to have a look at what courses are on offer for Semester Two and if you get all the way to the end of the newsletter, you'll also find out who was the winner of the Semester Quiz Mystery Prize!

Acting Editor, Caroline

From the Executive...

(Sorry, this is all about me)

Well, it has happened! No not fire drills, not power outages and not water outages (as we have had enough of those) but I have resigned as a Coordinator as my tenure is up. Lindsay has taken over from me and will join Annie and Anne-Marie in running the Centre and I can only say that it is in very, very good hands.

This all happened at the AGM on Friday, which was very well attended, and we kept our word that no-one was given jobs, well.... except Lindsay.... and Bronwyn (who has stepped in to fill Lindsay's previous Registrar role). It was also a big thank you and goodbye (just from her role on the Executive Committee) to Margaret who has stepped down from the Programmer role which is now being split between Patrick (the new Course Scheduler) and Bronwyn's Registrar role.

Many reports on how the Centre is running were read out during the AGM confirming that the Centre is doing well and in good shape though it was agreed that the price of membership is going up from $10 to $20 in 2025. As the price hasn’t changed in the 20 or so years that I have been with the Centre, I think it is time.

One of the jobs I have taken over is the Open Day with the guidance of Bill W. I am hoping I can do it as well as he ran it. We have decided to bring back the White Elephant stall though in a slightly different manner. We may have boxes with marked prices on them or it may be like past years where everything is priced accordingly. Please use the holidays for setting articles aside ready for the big day on September 8th.

Many thanks to everyone for all the support I have had over the years. I really appreciate the friendliness and companionship of the Centre and have been so happy to have been able to be part of the organisation.

Your outgoing Coordinator Bridget, with newly elected Coordinators Annie, Anne-Marie and Lindsay

Semester Two Enrolments...

Online enrolments open:
9.30am on Tuesday 16 July until 12.00pm on Tuesday 23 July.

In person enrolments open:
Tuesday 16 July to Friday 19 July from 9.30am to 2pm at Kalamunda Community Centre for those needing assistance with the enrolment process.

Classes commence:
Monday 29 July 2024.

Courses for Semester Two can now be viewed online and look out for the Enrolment Special edition of Centre Talk that will be sent out during the break!
Postal Enrolments:
Postal enrolments are available for those who will be unable to enrol online or in-person during enrolment week. Please note that online enrolments can be made wherever there is an internet connection; we often have members enrolling while overseas on holiday (paying via bank transfer). Postal Enrolment forms can be collected, submitted and paid for at the Reception Desk before the end of this Semester or posted. Posted forms must be received at least 4 days before enrolments open with payment via cheque or direct deposit. They will be processed by the end of the first day of enrolments. We cannot guarantee a placement in the course. If there are no vacancies in the course, applicants will be informed, and a refund will be arranged. Please click here to download a postal enrolment form.

Visitors to a Class...

As stated in the bylaws

Visitors are welcome to attend any class for one session only at the discretion of the tutor(s). All visitors must sign the KCLC Visitors Book, collect a visitor pass, and hand this to the class secretary. Membership or Casual Fees are not applicable for that session. Courses which are full or do not accept casual enrolments are not open to visitors.

If you wish to further attend the class, you will need to enrol.

We have had a considerable increase in class visitors this year, which is lovely, and many do go on to enrol in the course. Unfortunately, quite a lot aren't registering at the desk and we have no idea who is in the building or an emergency contact for them.

Due to this, we now require any visitors to be pre-approved through the office at least a few days before attendance.

If our procedures aren't followed, we regrettably will have to reconsider whether visitors will be permitted to attend a class at all.

KCLC Executive

Creche Assistants needed...

We have a very short list of people who can relieve in the Creche if one of our staff members is unable to work due to sickness or other circumstances. It would be good to have a longer relief list. If you know of anyone who is qualified to work with young children, and who may be interested in this type of employment, could you please ask them to contact the Centre. The work would be on Mondays or Thursdays 9.00 AM to 12 noon. An email to kclc@kclc.org.au with the subject heading 'Creche Relief' will be directed to me - and happily received.

Katherine Horne (Creche Liaison)

Display Cabinet...

Thank you to the Life Drawing class for the wonderful display currently in the cabinet.

The drawings represent the work of a very enthusiastic class although the fact that the work is reduced considerably does not show them to their full quality. Working from life is an essential step in learning to draw well and this group have shown a high degree of competence in their response to a wide variety of models using a number of tonal mediums.

A big thank you to all the students that have shared their wonderful work with us in the display cabinet this Semester - we are a very talented bunch!

Lost Property...

As we head towards the end of the Semester, we need to find homes for some lost property. If you think any of the items pictured are yours, please come and collect them from Reception.

Class News...


It's 9 o'clock on a Tuesday and the regular crowd shuffles in. No, that's not true. They don't shuffle until they are seated with two packs of cards in front of them, and then they shuffle. Is there a sound happier than that of small pieces of shiny card with funny pictures on them sliding against one another in the skilful hands of a shuffler?
The morning is punctuated with happy noises when a good hand reveals itself, or groans for the opposite reason. Maxine is amazingly patient and knowledgeable about the finer points of the game.

The Canasta class gives the brain a good work out and the company of some great people. Morning tea is a hurried affair as all are anxious to get back to the cards and see what the latest deal yields.


It’s OK to change your mind

This was a short six-week course run in Term 1 and Term 2 by Mary Jo Harris who is a retired counsellor/coach and has a wealth of experience in these fields which she kindly shared with course participants. We looked at how our thoughts shape our lives and how the language we use in our everyday life determines our own reality of how we experience that world and how this influences our behaviour. Each week was modelled around a different concept which we enjoyed exploring with Mary Jo in a thought provoking and fun manner that allowed us to look at pathways for change in our own way of dealing with life’s “difficult” moments.

Course participants when asked described the course as:
“stimulating and interesting”
“really enjoyable and a very friendly class”
“it’s not a counselling class but it did help me personally to better understand where other people are coming from”
“very practical ways of dealing with negative emotions.”
“it certainly shows you pathways for change to get healthier outcomes from your communications with other people – especially difficult or emotionally charged conversations”


Wednesday AM, Tai Chi Beginners & Continuing

Term 1 began very well with a full class. This comprises many new and enthusiastic beginners, continuing members and a much appreciated small core group of more accomplished, experienced members who are always happy to share their expertise and encouragement.

We now begin class with a short meditative and grounding routine, guided by Helen. This readies us to begin our exercises under the excellent tutelage of Mike & Ranee whose patience, encouragement and gentle humour seem boundless. During the class, Mike also rewards our efforts with several welcome short breaks. This is when we get the chance to tune out….perhaps chat, practise a particular move, or, just look at the beautiful trees etc. Then, when he gives his hand a ‘clap’, we are ready to refocus and once more engage.

It is easy to see why there is a waitlist for our Wednesday morning class. Thank you Mike & Ranee.


Scrap to Sculpture

Scrap to Sculpture has a dozen enthusiastic class participants under the tutelage of Marilyn Harries. The aim of this class is to create sculptures out of stuff that would normally be recycled or possibly thrown away.

The year started with a short project to create something out of tins cans. With only three weeks for completion, the following show some impressive innovations.


Advanced Crosswords

The Advanced Crossword group has reconvened for another term of hilarity, learning and delicious morning teas. Linda is again keeping us under control and guiding us through three puzzles and lots of new words each week. Thank you, Linda!
News from within the group includes that Elaine has retired as class secretary after many years of service-with thanks from us all, and Barbara has bravely taken on the task. The group was delighted to welcome back Lexie after her prolonged absence due to ill health.

One of the joys of cryptic crosswords is the new and interesting words the turn up every week! Who knew?
  • a yellowhammer is a bird, not a brightly coloured carpentry tool
  • the Big Dipper is a roller-coaster, a Little Dipper is a bird, but if you're a constellation you can be either
  • a plainsong is not a boring song but a Gregorian chant
  • a po is a chamber pot but if you're po- faced you're humourless and disapproving
  • a gin trap is a nasty leg trap used on animals, not the temptation to drink too much Bombay Sapphire
  • a sadiron is a heavy pointed iron. This comes from the old word " sad " or "sald " meaning heavy. Is this why, when we're sad, we have a heavy heart?

Quiz Winner...

Congratulations to all the winners throughout the Semester. All the correct entries from each Centre Talk were put in a hat and the name pulled out was...

>> Sherrill Duncan <<

Congratulation Sherrill, you are the winner of our special mystery prize - a very sweet possum metal artwork from local artist Rustyroo. Please come and collect your prize from Mary in the Office when you are next in.

Answer to the last Quiz:

    45 feet

    The winners were:
    Carole B., Helen W., Beverley S., Trish M., Helna L., Christine F., Ann P., Lee C., Eileen H., Lisa S., John B., Alice W., Marilyn G., Cherie R and Mal B.
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