Kalamunda Community Learning Centre
learning through sharing

Telephone: 08 9293 2977
Email: centre_talk@kclc.org.au

Centre Talk

26 May 2024

Dates for your diary
Monday 3 June - Public Holiday
Friday 7 June - Annual General Meeting
Friday 14 June - Last Day of Semester One
Tuesday 16 July - Semester Two Enrolments Open!

Tomorrow draws an end to National Volunteer Week.

All week, the Executive Committee ran a special desk in the foyer so you could ask all those questions you've always wanted to ask about how the Centre is run, make suggestions, leave a message of thanks for your volunteers or just pop by and say hi. I'm sure we'll have more on the responses received in future editions of Centre Talk.

Volunteers play a vital role in the running of the Centre and it's a great way to find purpose, meet new friends, feel valued, gain new skills and confidence and make a real difference to others.
If you want to become more involved, please just let the friendly faces in the Office know...at KCLC there is 'Something for Everyone'!

Thank you to all our amazing volunteers - we wouldn't be here without you!!

Acting Editor, Caroline

From the Executive...

We have had highs and lows this past fortnight and the one low was the loss of one of our most respected tutors, Anne Bell. Anne tutored Embroidery for Pleasure (under varying course names) for many, many years and became a mentor to many an aspiring embroiderer. She will be sorely missed.

Of the highs, one is the fundraising raffle where members donated the most amazing array of prizes and more importantly, nearly everyone was happy to buy raffle tickets due to the fact the prizes were so good. We cannot thank everyone enough for their contributions.

The raffle was drawn at our Centre lunch which saw all the tables full of people, a great array of food contributed by members and delightfully prepared and served by Michelle and Zoe along with their very efficient team. If you have never been to one of our Centre Lunches, then please come along (and due to popular demand, I will try and provide wine for the next one!). The lunch is a great way to meet other members of the Centre and if you are very lucky then there may be a raffle and you could win some fabulous prizes. The money for this raffle is going towards our Open Day, which is on Sunday 8 September.


The Executive are regrettably giving consideration to the current ability for visitors to attend classes. Unfortunately visitors have not always been registering at Reception, which is becoming a work, health and safety issue and some visitors have been attending sessions more than once.

And just a gentle reminder... Mary, our Office Manager, was employed to help the Coordinators carry out their numerous jobs but it seems as though everyone is using her to do everything with the result that she is overworked and has no time to do her real job, which is in the Office. Please remember that Mary is not there to move the partition walls or to re-arrange the tables (even though she is really good at it and willing to do it).

Please be aware that we are all volunteers and everyone should be treated with respect and politeness. Aggressive language will not be tolerated.

Your Coordinators, Bridget with Annie and Anne-Marie

Raffle Prize winners...

Thank you again to all the wonderful members who donated prizes for the fundraising raffle. We will have an update in the next newsletter as to how much was raised.
Congratulations to all the very lucky winners who were drawn at the Centre Lunch.

The winners have now all been notified by phone or email if they weren't at the Lunch to collect their prize in person.
All Kalamunda Community Learning Centre members are invited to the 2024 Annual General Meeting at 12 noon on Friday 7 June 2024 in the Kalamunda Community Centre Main Hall.

The meeting Agenda (with names of nominees for Executive positions) and previous minutes can be found by clicking here.

The Appointment of Proxy Form, available from Reception, should be received electronically by the KCLC Secretary at least 24 hours before the meeting time or delivered by hand prior to the start of the meeting.

Remember this is your community learning centre and your input is important to us.

In memoriam...

Anne Bell

It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Anne Bell, one our most respected tutors. Anne tutored Embroidery for many years and became a mentor to many an aspiring embroiderer. She will be sorely missed.

Display Cabinet...

We hope you are enjoying our "Autumn" pottery display.

It is a collective group of pottery building methods. The students have all learnt how to make pinch pots, coil building, slab building and are now learning how to throw pots on the wheel...very exciting.

We also have some students that enjoy sculpting and have produced some very interesting items.

Most of all, we all have lots of fun building our creations.


Class News...

Sing Your Heart Out (SYHO)

Back again for 2024; the returning and the new. The hot weather intrudes but the humour rises faster than the air temperature. Old friends re-united and new friends to discover, add to this eclectic mix. One uniting passion – to sing. Sadly, one mainstay was no longer there; John Matthews, SYHO secretary for many years, now retired and sorely missed. His silver ponytail not to seen amongst the male singers.

Moreover, Jo was on track to include exercise through expansion of your ribcage “rib accordian”. Surely, we could do this sitting down. No, Jo is on a mission. Titanium knees and hips unite. We are to sing standing upright.

The sounds of Africa dominated the weeks before the Easter break. Acapella sounds reflect from the ‘wonderfully’ designed ceiling. Four-part harmonies; alto, tenor and bass. Last week I was musing that if we sung with as much passion as we talk at the start of every week, well the sky is the limit. That said, each week Jo manages to get us to aim higher than we have before; Vuma Vuma is a good example. This Zulu song of praise had me searching for Google© translate…. Vuma actually means ‘agree’ and O sindiswe means ‘oh be saved’, Ekaye zulwini – ‘he is in heaven’, kune sithembiso ‘there is a promise’, you get the drift. This song brings rhythm, music… and praise. We worked on this song, the different parts get stronger, the harmonies tighter and it started to sound wonderful.

OK Jo, you win, we will stand while we sing.


Write your life story (continuing) Tuesday pm class

Gerry, our master of ceremonies, starts the class by writing yet another literary quote on the whiteboard from his endless stock. Then, each happy scribbler, in random order, is given their turn to read a story.

For the next 2 hours, we visit times past; times when horses pulled ploughs and wagons, when the Nullabor was still a dirt track and Christmas wasn’t all about the shopping. We’ve travelled from Burma to the Galapagos, via Tasmania and the Burrup Peninsular, and visited the old Port Hedland Hospital and the Hammersmith Palais de Danse. We have been transported by cruise ship, bus and caravan, and sat on motorcycles, tractors, and long drop dunnies. We have listened to cameos about mothers in law, French priests and family dogs. We have survived hail storms in the Bickley Valley, cyclones in the tropics, psychiatric asylums, and the unrequited love of a Greek girl in a fish and chip shop.

We have written some finished books, a lot more unfinished ones, and several Letters to Henry. For punctuation, there are cups of tea, Devonshire scones and Tim Tams. Later the loud ringing of a bell, 10 minutes before the finale, reminds us that you can’t fit a lifetime into 2 hours, but you can try.

And as we leave, we make the usual resolution that next week we won’t leave our writing until the last minute.



Paddy was coming through Customs at the airport carrying a large bottle.

"What have you there?" said a suspicious customs officer.

"'Tis Lourdes holy water. I am bringing it home with me," said Paddy.

The officer took the bottle and tried some. "Why it's Irish whiskey," he spluttered.

"Bless me, said Paddy, "another bloomin' miracle."

Sum fun

Jenny has two boats. One is three times the length of the other. If their combined length is 60 feet, what is the length of the larger boat?

Send your answers to:

Everyone who submits correct answers during the Semester will go into a draw for the Mystery Prize. NB. This will be the last quiz for this Semester before we draw the Mystery Prize!

Answers to the last Quiz:
  1. Date
  2. Frank
  3. Blunt
  4. Case
  5. Shower
The winners were:
Mal B., Ann P., Angela C., Bruce R., John B., Faye S., Evelyn R., Sherrill D., Robyn M.,
Richard R., Lisa S., Christine F.
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