Kalamunda Community Learning Centre
learning through sharing

Telephone: 08 9293 2977
Email: centre_talk@kclc.org.au

Centre Talk

12 May 2024

Dates for your diary
Monday 13 May - Fundraising Morning Tea
Friday 17 May - **CENTRE CLOSED**
Friday 24 May - Centre Lunch
20-24 May - Volunteers Week
Monday 3 June - Public Holiday
Friday 7 June - Annual General Meeting
Friday 14 June - Last Day of Term 2

It's hard to believe that the end of Semester One is just a month away but, never fear, there's still lots happening so don't miss out. The Fundraising Morning Tea tomorrow is promising to be very enjoyable so we hope the Foyer will be buzzing with lots of members. Then, another Centre Lunch is coming up on Friday, 24 May. If you have some time to spare and have computer skills then the Enrolment Team is looking for help for Semester Two Enrolments. You will also get the chance to quiz the Executive during Volunteers Week - details below.

Val, Editor

From the Executive...

We have just finished week four of a 9-week term and to date, everything is going very well. There have been the usual little hiccups but nothing too dramatic.

Tomorrow, 13th May, is our Fundraising Day. A team of very enthusiastic people have arranged a morning tea and a raffle. Many people have been asked to make something for the tea so I can guarantee the spread will be amazing. The donations for the raffle have been wonderful and I encourage you all to get tickets. They are on sale all week and it will be drawn Monday 20th May.

Please remember that the Centre will be closed on Friday, May 17th as Western Power will be doing maintenance on some lines in the area and the Centre will be without power.

Volunteers Week is coming up from the 20th to the 24th May and the Executive have decided that they will have an Executive-run desk in the hall where anyone can come up to ask questions about how the place is run, what we do and why we do it, or why we don't. People can make suggestions and what would be best of all is if lots of people came up to say they would love to help with the running of the Centre. I sincerely hope there are not too many complaints.

On the same note as the running of the Centre, we are really pleased that so many wonderful people are stepping up to do their work group. This is so much appreciated and it helps the Centre run smoothly. There are a few and luckily only a very few, that forget to do their designated task and I am sure it is only because they forget.

To all the mothers out there, I hope you have a wonderful day on Sunday and get spoiled rotten. I am hoping I will.

Your Coordinators, Bridget with Annie and Anne-Marie


Due to a scheduled power outage affecting the Kalamunda Community Centre, we will not be running any classes on Friday 17 May. Therefore the building will be closed all day!

This is out of our control but we do apologise for any inconvenience.

Please pop into the office if you have any questions.

Thank you.

Executive Committee


Semester One enrolments are now closed. We are busily finalising the courses for Semester Two and these will be published for viewing in early June. Semester Two enrolments will open on Tuesday 16 July.

Assistance needed!!

We are looking for keen members who would like to join our team of enrollers in Semester Two. Members would need to have some computer literacy and have been able to enrol themselves on the website in the past.

Training will be provided on the morning of Tuesday 4 June. Please email Bronwyn at enrolments@kclc.org.au to register your interest. You will be welcomed with open arms.

Bronwyn, Assistant Registrar

Fundraising Morning Tea...

When: Monday 13 May at 10.30am
Where: KCLC foyer area
Admission: $5 per person to be paid at Reception
All Members are welcome!!
Our newly formed Fundraising Committee is holding a Morning Tea and all members are welcome. Come along and enjoy some wonderful company with tea, coffee, sandwiches and cakes provided by members.

There will also be a raffle running for that whole week with some amazing prizes up for grabs (thank you for all the amazing donations!). Money raised will go towards the running of the Centre.
$1 a ticket and prizes include:
> Five hampers full of goodies
> A $100 KCLC voucher
> Succulent arrangement
> Paintings
> Lars Hellten Crystal Bowl
> Ozito Detail Sander
> Russell Hobbs Salt and Pepper Mills
> Crofton Dutch Oven

Centre Lunch...

The next Centre Lunch is on Friday 24 May from 11.45am in the Main Hall at Kalamunda Community Centre. All Kalamunda Community Learning Centre members are invited.

No booking is required. Please just come along with a plate of food to share and enjoy catching up with other members over lunch.

All Kalamunda Community Learning Centre members are invited to the 2024 Annual General Meeting at 12 noon on Friday 7 June 2024 in the Kalamunda Community Centre Main Hall.

The meeting Agenda and names of nominees for Executive positions will be available from Friday 17 May. Previous minutes can be found by clicking here.

The Appointment of Proxy Form, available from Reception, should be received electronically by the KCLC Secretary at least 24 hours before the meeting time or delivered by hand prior to the start of the meeting.

Remember this is your community learning centre and your input is important to us.


Room available - Tuesday and Wednesday mornings in Semester 2

Do you have a special skill you'd like to share?
Or perhaps an idea for a class you'd like to try out?

Then we have a room for you. Please contact Margaret Davidson (Programmer) ASAP if you'd like to take up this offer in Semester Two. You can either email programmer@kclc.org.au or drop by on a Friday morning to have a chat (Margaret is always available between 9.30am and 10.30am). If you would like to find out more about becoming a tutor, please click here.

Margaret, Programmer

Tables in the Craft Room

Thanks need to go to Wendy Wheream for organising a crew of helpers to move the four very heavy tables that were deteriorating outside in the courtyard because they were too tall to be of use for many of the classes. It was time consuming - lining up transport and muscles to lift and carry while managing available times, not only suitable for people involved, but also for the City bookings of the building.

Thanks also to Chris Runeckles for his days of cutting, re-welding, grinding and painting to make them usable. This not only produced better working tables in the Craft Room but freed up three tables which were transferred to where they were needed in the hall.

Well done everyone!

Pam, Workgroups


Could everyone please take extra care when parking or getting in and out of cars. There has been a run of cars being scraped while parking and of open doors scraping the next door vehicle. Thank you!

Display Cabinet...

Write Your Life Story

The WYLS classes commenced in the mid-1990s. Following writing their stories at home each week, participants share them in class. The ideas generated, together with the feedback and encouragement received, provides a wonderful way to record one's life story or memoir.
Each year an Introductory class is offered in Semester One and there is the opportunity to attend Continuing classes throughout the year for as long as one wishes.

This display indicates the wide range of professionally produced books that are compiled. But note - some members are happy to just organise their stories into a file which provides a valuable document for future generations.


Class News...

Patchwork Quilting

Our Patchwork Quilting group got off to a good start in 2024, very happily greeting each other and catching up on our activities over the Christmas break. It is always lovely to have someone new join us. We do have some new members who we are enjoying getting to know.

We have had two of our members celebrate special birthdays ending in an "0". One doesn't ask or tell a lady's age!! One of our ladies received a birthday cake kindly made by one of the members.

Everyone loves a Mystery!
Currently in our Patchwork class, our esteemed Tutor, Prue, has us making a "Mystery" quilt. We are given information, a bit at a time as we are ready, and we don't know what the pattern will look like at the end. When we have all finished, we will have a "Grand Viewing" to see how our chosen fabrics have turned out! It will be an exciting finish.

The images attached show some of the fine work being done by our group.

We, the members of our group, greatly appreciate the dedication of our Tutor, Prue Linge. In her absence while on holiday, she was ably supported by Tracey Radford. Also we would wish to express our thanks for all the work the Coordinators and support people do so we can enjoy being members of the Kalamunda Community Learning Centre. Thank you to all!


Tuesday Watercolour Painting

On March 26th, in the final class before the Term break, Tutor Mavis, provided a demonstration on drawing and painting Easter eggs. Using watercolour paints, masking fluid, and washi tape creatively, the class learned how to make interesting patterns and shapes on the eggs.

Other attendees painted their own creations, including a beautiful landscape featuring birch trees towering above tall grasses. Inspiration here was drawn from an online tutorial by Karen Rice.



(For the Art Lovers)

A thief in Paris went to the Louvre Gallery. He got past security, stole several paintings, and returned safely to his van.

However, he was captured only blocks away when his van ran out of gas.

When the police inspector asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied, "Inspecteur, that is the reason I stole the paintings. I had no Monet to buy Degas, to make the Van Gogh."

The inspector replied, "Sacre bleu, 'ow did you 'ave De Gaulle to carry out the crime?"

The thief replied, "I felt I 'ad nothing Toulouse."

Multi meanings...

Each set of words below contains three clues for different meanings of the same word. Can you work out which word each set of clues describes?
  1. Oval fruit, number on a calendar, go out with ____________
  2. Man's name, honest, footy ....., sausage ____________
  3. Not sharp, forthright, reduce the force of ____________
  4. instance, piece of luggage, legal action ____________
  5. Light rainfall, bathroom fixture, party for a baby ____________
Send your answers to:

Everyone who submits correct answers during the Semester will go into a draw for the Mystery Prize.

Answers to the last Quiz:
  1. Lesotho
  2. The Ghan
  3. 6 stars
  4. The Milky Way
  5. Cria
The winners were:
Bev S., Janelle MacG., Ilene A. and Mal B.
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