Kalamunda Community Learning Centre
learning through sharing

Telephone: 08 9293 2977
Email: centre_talk@kclc.org.au

Centre Talk

26 August 2024

Dates for your diary
Sunday 8 September - Open Day
Friday 20 September - Last day of Term 3
Monday 7 October - First day of Term 4
Friday 11 October - Centre Lunch
The winter blues have certainly been kept at bay with two fantastic events being held at the Centre in the past couple of weeks.

The Centre Lunch always guarantees a great spread and fabulous company, so make sure you mark the next one on Friday 11 October (the last one for the year) in your diary.

And Pat and Elizabeth took attendees on a wonderful journey through the themes and stories behind the ‘Memories of Fremantle’ exhibition’s textile-art works as part of the Centre Presents Speaker Series event.

Thank you to all those who attend and support the Centre's events - we look forward to seeing you all on Sunday 8 September at the Open Day!

Acting Editor, Caroline

From the Executive...

Fire Drills

Practice Fire Drills for all classes are planned during this coming week, weather permitting. The proposed location of the fire will be in the Craft Room, so the defined Assembly Area will be at the Eastern Carpark. Please exit the building via the front door. Classes with balcony access are to use the doors exiting onto the balcony so everyone isn’t using the front door. Please leave in a prompt and orderly manner taking your valuables, handbags, etc., with you, but NOT cups of tea or coffee. Class Secretaries please ensure you take your Class Rolls with you.

These Drills will be held at 10:30am and 1:30pm daily, however in the event of inclement weather, we will postpone the Drills until the following week.


Please take home all unused milk from Morning and Afternoon Teas, unless a label is attached to the bottle indicating for ‘General Use’.

Your Coordinators Annie, Anne-Marie and Lindsay

Registrar's Rambles...

Hi! in this segment that will appear in future Centre Talk issues, I hope to address some enrolment FAQs and offer enrolment advice. The question for this edition relates to Late Enrolments...
Question: Why doesn’t the Centre accept late enrolments during Administration Week or the first two weeks of the semester?
During Administration Week, the class lists are being compiled, printed, filed and distributed to tutors. It is not feasible to do this if the lists are in a state of flux.
We actively encourage members to enrol during the publicised enrolment period. We have a dedicated team of volunteers who assist during this time and processes in place for both online and in-person assisted enrolments. As enrolments after this time cause extra work and complications, we close enrolments during the first two weeks of each semester to discourage members from just turning up and expecting to enrol then.

We do accept late enrolment applications in these two weeks from new members or returning members with extenuating circumstances. These applications must be approved by a duty coordinator and will incur a $10 administration fee.

After the initial two weeks when all the classes have settled down and we have resolved any issues, we do accept late enrolments for courses that have vacancies. We do not charge the administration fee, but we do apply full course fees as every late enrolment causes more work for our dedicated volunteers.

Late Enrolments for Term 4

Please note the ability to enrol late may close early this semester. We are soon to start the process of testing our website to hopefully iron out those annoying glitches.

If you are thinking of enrolling in a class for Term 4, please do so before the end of this term (Friday 20 September). We still have vacancies in ‘Introduction to Microsoft Excel’ that commences in Term 4 and we will be placing continuing courses that still have vacancies on sale on Friday 6 September, for a Term 4 commencement.

We are not sure when the works will commence and apologise for any inconvenience. But if you get in early, you won't miss out.

Bronwyn, Registrar

Laptop Use Guide...

All laptops owned by KCLC are available for use in classes run by KCLC. If a tutor or member wishes to borrow a laptop, you are welcome to do so. The laptops are stored in a locked cupboard in the KCLC Office and you should ask an administration team member to assist you with getting one out. Before you leave the office with the laptop there are a few actions we ask you to take...
• Firstly, read the Laptop Borrowers Guide. This is the laminated A4 document you will find in the laptop bag. Please follow the instructions it gives you.

• Sign the Laptop User Register (stored in the cupboard with the laptops).

• When starting the laptop please DO NOT sign in with a Microsoft account.
These are unique to an individual and cause the laptop to be synced to all the personal devices of the Microsoft account owner. This makes the laptop unusable for anyone else and the laptop has to be re-built.

David, IT Admin

Open Day...

I am hoping that the preparation is going well for Open Day and that you have your projects ready for displaying. We are also lucky to have the Tai Chi, Sing Your Heart Out and Ukulele groups giving us an insight on the day as to what they do in their classes.

Book and white elephant stall

Members can now start bringing in their book and white elephant donations. Please remember that we are not allowed to sell electrical goods!

Market and Exchange products

Members with any homegrown plants, produce or home/class made crafts to sell on the day, can now register at the Desk where you will be given a seller number to use on all your goods. Sellers also need to price their own crafts, plants, fruits and foods (which must be labelled with ingredients and produced in an approved kitchen). 10% of all sales on the day will go to the Centre. All the money collected from sales on the day must go through the Centre and we take 10% off and then transfer the remaining funds by bank transfer or other means. Goods need to be brought in on Saturday 7 September between 10.30am and 2pm or Sunday 8 September between 8.30am and 9.30am. Any unsold items need to be picked up at 4pm on the Sunday.

Open Day Assistance

If anyone would like to help collecting banana boxes from around the shops, I would really appreciate it. We need the boxes for storing and displaying books and then for the White Elephant goods when they go to a charity shop after the Open Day. We also still have some Open Day workgroups that need filling, please check the list below...

→ Serve and clean up (shifts 12pm-2pm or 2pm-4pm).
→ Cashier (shifts 10am-12.15pm or 12.15pm-2.30pm).
Please click here to sign up

Members' Market:
→ Help staff the Market Stall selling items that members have made (shift 2pm-4pm).
Please click here to sign up

White Elephant Stall:
→ Selling white elephant items and packing up (shift 2pm-4pm).
Please click here to sign up

Car Parking:
→ Help direct cars (shift 9.30am-11am or 12.30pm to 2pm).
Please click here to sign up

Thank you to all the volunteers who have offered their services to help on what I hope will be a great day. We have huge boots to fill after the best ever Open Day last year run by Bill and Chris Wolstenholme. We are also hoping for good weather too!!.

Bridget, Open Day Workgroup Leader

Class News...

Even though we don't have any official class news reporters this semester, please feel free to let us know anything interesting that you are up to in your classes, just a short snippet with a photo is perfect. Please email any submissions to centre_talk@kclc.org.au.

Position Vacant...

We are still seeking Expressions of Interest for the role of Centre Talk Editor. The perfect candidate will be well organised, enjoy keeping abreast of all the goings on at the Centre, have access to a computer and the internet, be able to copy and paste and have good writing/editing skills. Full training and ongoing support will be provided on the platform used to put together the newsletter and a team of proof readers will help make sure Centre Talk looks and reads fantastically before it is sent. Please email communications@kclc.org.au to express your interest.

Caroline, Website Editor
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